Why contribute?
California sportsmen are under increasing attack from anti-hunting and anti-gun interests.
It is critical that we as a community be as effective as possible in informing Legislators and the general public about sportsmen’s important contributions to society.
In recent years, the use of dogs to hunt certain species was outlawed, trapping prohibited and sweeping gun and ammunition control legislation signed into law. Fewer gubernatorial appointments to the California Fish and Game Commission now include active hunters. New regulations that threaten water supplies for managed wetlands and wildlife-friendly agriculture also continue to multiply.
Despite these challenges, we as sportsmen have a great track record of successful wildlife conservation efforts via the North American Model of Wildlife Conservation, including the restoration and enhancement of hundreds of thousands of acres of wetlands in California. Hunting licenses, stamps, tags and other validations generate over $30 million per year for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife’s conservation efforts, while excise taxes on sporting arms and munitions via the federal Pittman-Robertson Act are a key funding source for the operation and management of State Wildlife Areas and other conservation work.
Hunting also contributes greatly to rural economies, helps farmers and other landowners maintain their property as open space, and can be an effective management tool for wildlife, amongst other benefits.
By supporting the Waterfowl PAC, you will make those necessary education and outreach efforts to Legislators and other key decision-makers more successful. You will also help us to fight back against anti-hunting and anti-gun extremists who wish to take our rights and outdoor heritage away.